Thursday, October 7, 2010

Now The Hard Questions Start

So last night Pie and I were watching the TV show Modern Family, which is quite funny but laden with sinful attitudes. Usually she is in bed but she was waiting for her turn in the bathroom, Oh the joys of having one bathroom...
So anyway there is this part where they are talking about Heaven and hell and they make the comment that there is no hell...
Well this prompts the talk about Hell and how real it is and how offal.
Blah, blah, blah. I know I am not much of a story teller...
Anyway I say to her just think of the kids at school you sit next to and how if they don't believe in Christ as the son of God they Will go to hell. Trying to make it more real for her...and for me!
Then she says to me: "not just them but what about the people in our own family?? Who do you think will go to hell in our family?"
I could tell she had someone in mind, and I am still not sure who she is thinking about?
BUT as any *good* parent would do with a tough question I turned it right back on her and said. Well I am not sure who do you think...
With a very sad voice and down turned face like she did not want to rat anyone out or make judgement she just sat back on the couch and said "I'm not sure"...
I would take the "where do babies come from" anytime over this difficult truth!


Lindsey's Mom said...

Sounds like your Pie is going to be that bright light in our very dark world that doesn't know or knowingly rejects the truth. Bless you for encouraging her to think about that personal decision that we must all make less we perish! I will specifically pray about whoever Pie had on her heart and also for both you and Pie as you witness to that loved one.

chrissy said...

It's a good conversation to have, when they are ready. I love Pie's wisdom here, so wise at such a young age. I think she get's it!!