Monday, May 17, 2010

Scream and Cry

Is it OK to feel like you want to scream or cry over:
Clothes scattered on the basement floor you just washed cause your son was looking for something to wear? He then proceeded up to his room leaving the clothes in the basement to get dressed? Or your daughters suite case is still by the door with the clothes in it from her camping trip? The wet clothes were just found in the plastic bag from the trip? Your littlest daughter's socks are wrinkled and she cries till it is just right?? Just Asking??
Usually the last one makes me laugh just not today.


MyOhMy said...

Sometimes, but these teachable moments will keep coming- it's just part of the deal. It sounds like you feel over-whelmed right now. Bubble baths sometimes help ;) Hope your day picks up.

phyllis said...

They say it takes many times of teaching a child for it to become a habit--hang in there.

Lynette said...

Doing something 12 times in a row makes a were probably so excited to see B and to hear how much fun she had that you both forgot the suitcase...Joe always wants to unpack as soon a we walk in the house... does'nt matter if you have fun stories to tell, just get things put away... You probably have more fun than I ever did.. because your more relaxed... Guess you guys just need to remember to go back after the hugs nd stories... then it won't be for just you to clean up... overwhelming to say the least....there is going to be a time that you will say to yourself... you're going to miss these days...Love you... keep your chin up.... screaming and crying is good too... I have to have a good cry every once in a while... it seems to work... tell them you need help... if you do it together... there will be time for fun & relaxing together

COURTNEY said...

Hmmm.....So this sounds like our house! You would not have known that two days ago there was a baby shower at my house. Oh, if it only stayed that way! Have a better day!