Friday, May 14, 2010

How I Came To Wear Purple Framed Glasses

That is the kind of day I am having...and I am really getting tired of it. That is the statement I made to my son in the store when I went to put on my glasses and they were broken.
It stared early when my little M&M was sleeping with me, because I was in the midst of putting the new bunk beds together, and she had wet the bed. Couple of hours latter found dog poop on the couch. About 20Min's later dropped my Bible study notes in the very, wet parking lot. Later putting M&M in the car her Wooie Woon hat blows off and goes under the car and Yes it is still raining. Its leaking inside the house so I go out and clean out the gutters, hoping that is the cause, and Yes it is still raining. M&M locks me out on the roof, that was a trip trying to get her to undo the lock, and Yes its still raining. Later we go Home Depot to get some wood and as we are loading it in M&M pees her pants, and Mama is not to happy cause Yes it is still raining. While Bug is loading the wood I figure it would be easier if he finished pulling up M&M pants and I would finish with the wood. Well he thought I had not started so he took her clothes back off so I finish putting the clothes back on.
Go into a store and put my glasses on and they fall off sideways...
I am very thank full for this little purple framed kiss from God...the replacement was free for my frames were deemed defective but purple was all they had in stock.


Lynette said...

Well I would say... That was a true Rainy Days Blues... you might be a able to write a country song about that kind of day...LOL The glasses look good.... Sorry your Day was so BAD... it can only get good from here... love you

MyOhMy said...

Glad that you saw the blessing in a heavy day. I have been wearing purple glasses (on purpose) for two years and I love them.... enjoy the new color in your life. :)