Friday, September 10, 2010

I love my sister...
I went out dancing the other night and was wishing she lived closer. We have had some great memories of being out, no plans, just dancing. I don't get out much anymore, about once every 10 yrs now, but I wanted to dance. So for our anniversary my husband made it happen!
Ever have a good girlfriend who you could act goofy with? No judgements just a lot of laughs...Well that's my sister for me.
I called her after our night out (or she called me) and was telling her how I missed our little outings...which made us think of many nights out and just laughing on the phone. You know that giggle where your not really completing the sentences cause you were both there and you know exactly what your laughing at.
A little in site to me and my sister.
I live in MI. and she lives in IN. she works out of the home and I stay home.
A couple of weeks ago I was at the community pool so I text her (by the way love the text thing)
Me: "Hey what cha doin I am lying by the pool"
Her: "Throwing 19 pallets...JackA$$"
Me: "☺"
its a a quote word for word and that is why I love her.
Guess I am just missing her...time flies and our kids are getting so old!

1 comment:

Lynette said...

You are so lucky to have a sister like her!!!