Sunday, September 19, 2010

Same Old Me

You know when M&M was born I thought I would do things differently. I would be better at this training thing with my kids...
I thought I would play the classical music when she slept. Yeah that lasted sporadically for a couple of months.
I thought I would have her talking at a year.
And I thought she would be so...ya know the kind of kid where when people describe them they say something like...Oh I know her she is so precocious.
But as you can see I am the same old Mom...
this is what she wore to church today. Her rain boots, Woowie Woon hat and a lovely dress!
I must admit she did get a lot of looks and smiles but I don't think its cause they thought she was precocious!
Then I thought; just look at My Pie she is not a mess! She looks lovely and she also picked out her own outfit
Conclusion...she is happy and so am I!

Just had to post this cause he too picked out his own outfit today but down deep I think he would rather be wearing rain boots and a baseball cap too!


Lynette said...

He probably would... CUTE...CUTE...CUTE!!!

MyOhMy said...

I think that having your child described as precocious means that they are mature beyond their years and you really DO NOT want that for your child. Let them be kids... they only get to do it once anyway, they might as well have fun in the process :)