How do you choose Joy and really feel it?
Its a struggle for me day to day. Its not that I have husband has a good job, my kids are very healthy, I don't work outside the home, my husband and kids treat me kind and I feel their love.
Yesterday was good...I was happy and it must appeared that way cause no one asked me whats wrong. BUT the day before I felt different...not sad just different. For one my 2yr old was crabby but I think its my fault for not keeping more of a routine with her but with two much older kids its kinda hard with the different schedules. My body ached and physically I just felt sore. Maybe I need a better sleep routine for myself? Maybe I need to educate my self better?
I am reading a book in regards to family relations, for myself. I feel as though I am disappointing them with my attitude.
It had these questions for me to answer about the kids but I thought I would just give it to them...
Parents are...
Pie: loving and kind and take care of us very good.
Bug: people take care of you
A good rule in our home is...
Pie: that we try to get a long with each other.
Bug: Bed by 9:00 on a school day
A rule in our home that I'd like to change is...
Pie: Nothing!
Bug: Mattie can't have whatever she wants when your gone
I wish our family would...
Pie: do more things as a family (games, scrap booking, play)
Bug:go on more bike rides
In our family, God is...
Pie: the first on our list for everything
Bug: the creator of the world Person saved are sins so we could go to heaven.
Now that was pretty good answers, why is it so hard to find Joy and really feel it?
They were not allowed to spend much time on the questions. I wanted the first thing that would pop into their heads. Tried to keep them from being "politically correct".
Now I should be full of Joy, right
1 comment:
Maybe you feel that you don't always have joy... due to some of the things that you went through as a child... but you are PROOF that just because you had really bad things happen to you... does'nt mean that you are repeating them with your children.... you are a good MOM... I know you want your children to have a good life... you are their protector...Joy does'nt always come everyday... but when you look in those beautiful childrens eyes...that is joy...Sorry for your aches and pains... maybe you need to get a check-up.... or maybe start a stretching exerise routine like yoga...I have to do it with my hand & ankles because I think it's arthrius ( spelling is probably wrong)...Maybe joy is different everyday in a different form and you just don't know it... maybe keep a notepad and write things down during the day...10 things that gave me joy today... or made me smile or melted my heart..I love you...
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